How do I distil all the craziness of the past week into words? So many thoughts tumbling around, rushing to get out, of which barely one or two make it to the page. I’ve been meaning to get around to writing something, anything, at all these past few days and damn if something or the other doesn’t keep popping up to interrupt me while I’m only thinking of writing, let alone actually get down to it.
If it’s not the painting, then the IPL. Or maybe the elections. Or the looking for a job. Or the oh..just forget it. Suffice it to say the interruptions were many and varied. The house is shaping up quite well, in spite of the freaky color scheme my sister and I came up with (some might say a marked lack of one). I’ve managed to get my purple walls in the end and the whole exercise should conclude over the next week.
After a long time, I’ve also found a game worth getting excited about, make that two games. Both are casual games (avid gamers can roll their eyes and move on) and a lot of fun.
Wandering Willows is a casual RPG, if there is such a thing. It has an engaging storyline, cute animations and quite a bit of questing involved. It starts out small and before you know it you’ve lost a couple of hours (or even days). My sister finished it in just a couple of days but there’s no rush. The overall goal is to get off the island and if you feel like sightseeing for a while, there’s nothing stopping you.
The other game is Plants vs. Zombies. I won’t get into the storyline because there isn’t any. It’s pretty straight forward. You have plants which shoot ammo and you’ve got to stop the zombies from reaching your house through the yard. Not much to it but it’s surprisingly addictive (watching the zombies drop limbs, heads and turn into ashes is a plus). Also, if anyone is a fan of the Diner Dash series, Diner Town Tycoon is all set to release sometime soon. I played a demo version and cannot wait for the game to come out.
I’m off to play some more…while I try to come up with some more coherent sentences for this blog!
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