Today is a Sunday. The holy day for all those who have to work Monday to Saturday, the day we sleep late, eat comfort food and just generally spend it by being lazy. This program is not acceptable to those who stay at home, at least that’s the conclusion I’ve drawn watching my mom for the last 10 years or so. Around 12 noon, the doorbell rang. Not my favorite way to start a Sunday but I didn’t get a choice in the matter. And something told me it would be my mom. I’m not prone to flashes of intuition but when I do get them, boy am I right! It was my mom back from a week with her parents because my grandfather just had surgery (he’s doing great, in case you’re wondering). The first thing she says is not how I am or something on those lines but I get the usual spiel of how can I be waking up just now, how could I skip breakfast (funny but she wouldn’t object if I said I’m fasting for religious reasons), how could I not take a bath etc. Yeah mom, it’s great to have you back too!...