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Showing posts from January, 2014

April A To Z Blogging Challenge

On one of my random wanderings through the blogosphere, I stumbled onto this post  calling upon volunteers for something called the 'April A to Z Blogging Challenge' . Hmm a challenge? Sounds I followed the links in the piece and started reading about it. The more I read, the more I wanted to join in on the fun. So what exactly is this all about? Anyone with a blog can join in on the fun. The crucial thing is this: You have to post one piece for every day in April, except Sundays. This system gives us 26 days and 26 posts. And you know what else has 26 things in it? The alphabet of course! The only limitation to the topics you can write about is that each one has to be about the letter for the day. The posts can be anything: essays, fiction, poetry, pictures or what have you, that's the fun part! I was intrigued. I sometimes have the dreaded 'blogger block', where I cannot for the life of me come up with something to write about. Not only wou...

Reesa: The Past And The Future

Aww is filled with doggies! And kitties! I’ve been spending a lot of time over at Aww recently, a subreddit dedicated to the cutest things on the Internet - dogs and cats and occasionally other animals. Thanks to +Abhilash Bingi  , this is my latest time sink joining others such as YouTube and Wikipedia. I’ve always wanted my own dog and at one point in my life, I did have one. For my first birthday on 24 March 1987, I got the best gift a girl could ever get,  although I didn’t know it at that time: A puppy. To be more precise a Dalmatian puppy, part of the litter of five puppies born to my maternal grandparents’ pet Dalmatian. I imagine one-year-old me was really happy but my mother? Not so much. We called her Reesa. All things considered, I was really too young to have a pet dog. I couldn’t take her for walks until I was old enough to do so myself and by then she was too big to be handled by a puny four-year-old. As anyone can guess I wasn’t much good at feedin...

5 Things I Find Odd In India

Let's begin now... 1. Cows are Gods It’s true. Not that cows are gods but rather the fact that many Indians (mainly Hindus) consider cows to be sacred. As such they are to be treated with respect and in many cases, more respect than given for human beings! Don’t believe me? A quick Google Image Search should convince you. And it’s not just restricted to cows, there are many animals which play a role in several Indian mythologies and hence revered as sacred. Off the top of my head I can recall monkeys, peacocks, tigers, elephants and mice on that list although I’m pretty sure there are plenty more that I have no idea about.  Edit: Apparently crows are on that list too! 2. PDA is a big no-no For those who don’t know, it means Public Displays of Affection which includes kissing and hugging! It is absolutely not okay for two adults to hold hands/hug/kiss etc. For some odd reason Indians find that icky. It doesn’t matter if the two individuals are male or female, married ...