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Showing posts from January, 2011

LIC Ads–Coming Of Age?

The Life Insurance Corporation of India has been around since the dawn of time, well not exactly but to someone like me born in 1986, 1956 is the dawn of time! And its ads have always seemed to reflect it. Of course, considering it was the undisputed king of the hill – much like Microsoft once was – it didn’t need the ‘fancy new ads’ used by others. All that changed with the entry of private players. Not that they were any better than the state insurer, but their ads sure were. For the first time people started to notice insurance advertising. Gone were the days of staid, stale run of the mill ‘We take care of widows’ spiel (not all employees got that memo though!). Yet, while competitors ran ads emphasizing financial security & independence, disaster planning and being prepared, what was LIC doing? It was running ads which looked like they were made for and by 50-55 year olds. Like someone in my training batch said “LIC ads are like art movies while the rest are like commerci...

Phase I - The Honeymoon

I just bought myself a brand new laptop, plunking down 50k of my hard earned doubloons. Months of wanting it, weeks spent researching it, and one trip to the mall later, I’m now the proud owner of a Dell XPS 15. To say I fell in love at first sight is an understatement. The specs alone were enough to make a girl drool. But the extras? Now they were something else. JBL speakers deliver sound that’s out of this world. 1 gig NVidia VRAM to play anything my lil heart desires. HD Skype certified webcam and mike mean video calling is a cinch. And the HD screen? 15.4 inches of pure gorgeousness! After the mandatory oohing and aahing, I unboxed it and started making it mine. And wasn’t this a doozy, by a long shot. First I had to de-crappify it, which took me the better part of a day. Then I had to scour the interwebs for my favorite apps and install them. Then I had to transfer all my media across from my old laptop – surprisingly took only a few minutes. Finally I set up my backup w...