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Showing posts from December, 2010

5 Commandments Of Buying Laptops

The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic. First, I find out I can neither cook nor keep house. Why is that? Coz if I can’t make idly, that simplest of breakfast dishes, it means I can’t cook. At least not yet. Then came the dreaded ‘C’ day – 14th Dec 2010. I’m now a permanent employee of this great insurer LIC. Through it all, the cauldron of confusion & befuddlement that calls itself my workplace kept throwing up one emergency after another, which is pretty much par for the course. So what’s a girl to do? Shop, of course! I tried the Holy Trinity of Retail Therapy – Shoes, Clothes & Bags. By the time I got to bags though, I realized I was thinking small. I needed to think big and geek. Enter my first New Year Resolution ever: Buy a new laptop And this one I intend to keep. There’s nothing I love more than shopping for gadgets, especially when they are for moi. But as I would soon find out, never was the path to Nirvana so crooked or bewildering. Here’s the...

Back To The Future

Where things are as they once were. Philosophy? Nah, I’m talking about backup & restore! A couple of weeks ago I wrote Newbie Guide to Windows Backups , listing the 3 apps most useful for the job. A lot of people backup their data onto CD/DVDs & it is the best option for one time backups of your media – like say your vintage music collection or pictures of the last 5 years of your life. But what about the files you use on a daily basis – like documents, software applications, notes et al?  The best bet for that is to backup to an external hard drive. Now you could just connect your HDD to your laptop daily and manually copy *all* the files & folders over but not only is it tedious, you’re also more likely to put off doing it as much as possible. Wouldn’t it be easier to have an app do it for you? Not only take the backup but also keep the various versions in order? Such an app does exist and it’s called - appropriately enough – Genie Timeline. For start...