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Showing posts from May, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be?

Americans have a tradition: Grow up, go to college (if you can afford it!), figure out what you want to do with your life while you’re there and then well, you can do it or you can change course. After all that’s what life’s about. Einstein was a clerk in a patent office while Bell taught deaf people. But it’s not their day job that they’re known for. Meanwhile Indians also have a tradition: Grow up, go to college (study that which will pay well) and go get that well paying job. If, horror of horrors (!), you discover that you want to do something other than what you are studying and/or working on, well tough luck. You already took the road well traveled and you are not allowed to change it willy nilly!   As if an entire society’s anti-risk tendency & fear of failure wasn’t enough obstacles, if you are a woman, then you have a whole new set of problems. Don’t believe me? Come, take a trip down the rabbit hole (bring something to eat, this will take a while) If you...

Top 10 Signs

Geeks really love their lists. At every tech blog I read, not a single day goes by without a list of some sort – ‘Top 10 iphone apps,’ ‘Top 10 Android apps,’ ‘5 things you can do to speed up your shitty netbook’ and so on. While my list has nothing whatsoever to do with one of the loves in my life (which is if you didn’t already know  - Tech), it has everything to do with the blight/scourge/bane of my life! Yeah, my list is called *drum roll please*   Top 10 Signs You are an LICian You don’t have a life. No, going home at 6 and doing nothing till bedtime does not qualify as a life. You feel, think and act like you’re 45 years old. And do not realize it till you meet your friends IRL. When asked for something by your boss/colleague, your first instinct is to search the paper, not the system! Whatever query a customer might have, you start shaking your head NO even before he finishes, coz you already know it can’t be done. If your assistants don’t work...