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Showing posts from February, 2011

Elephants In Chains

Once upon a time, a tourist was wandering around a temple and came across an elephant. It was a huge beast, munching on his food, flapping his ears and generally being an elephant. Then the tourist noticed that he was tied to a post with a rather flimsy metal chain. He was aghast and asked the mahout if it was safe. The mahout said it was perfectly safe & that he would not try to break free. The tourist was surprised & asked why not. This is the reply he got: “When this elephant was a baby, this chain was strong enough to stop him. However hard he tried, he couldn’t break free. So after some time he stopped trying. With time, he grew stronger than the chain but he will never try to break free cuz he’s used to it! ” Thousands of years ago, while men hunted & gathered, women protected & raised the young. Naturally the former was far more exciting than the latter. In order to give their women something to do (& probably to transfer their fears/headaches to someone e...

My Valentine’s Day Debacle

This V-Day was supposed to be different. After all, it’s been 24 years in the making, at the very least. What we didn’t suspect was just how different! Since in all probability we’ll all have our very own ball & chain in place for the next one, it was supposed to be the one V-day to rule them all. There we were - single, swinging & loving it! In theory. Instead it simply served to accentuate just how different our lives had become from what they were meant to be. Onward then, to how it came about. For Khushboo and I, it was the first time we were on our own. Literally. In a strange city, with a place of our very own, and most importantly no relatives cluttering up the place. An adhesive family can be quite hard on a girl. The exception for Shruti being of course, that she did have relatives messing about in the city.  Not that we were expecting to whoop it up, but somehow doing the same everyday things on a special day makes it worse. Let’s get to it one by one. S...

A World Of Difference

A couple of days ago I got a forward in the mail. You know one of those things which always seem to make the rounds of the internet. Usually I let these things by but this time I saw red (of course didn’t hurt that I never have anything to do in the office). So off the top of my head, I just dashed off a few lines and hit reply. And the rest, as they say, is history. Not quite, but I’ve always wanted to say that. Q:Thoughts from Man's heart When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers. When we are married, our brides get the gifts and the publicity. When we die, our widows get the life insurance. What do women want to be liberated from? The average man's life consists of: Twenty years of having his mother ask him where he is going, Forty years of having his wife ask the same question; and at the end, the mourners wondering too where he is going. A:Thoughts from Woman's head When you are born, we get the pain and the drugs, When you marry, we g...