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Showing posts from July, 2011

Deeply Real Or Superficially Normal?

Now that the puducherry fellow turned out to be a bust too, my grandfather has started championing his Salem guy again! He calls my mom, then my dad and now finally its my turn to talk to him about why I do not want to see a guy who is short, old and lives in Salem for god’s sake! According to him, I have no real reason to say no. I mean if that’s no reason, I don't know what is…I heard him tell my dad that we know the family and such (we’re actually related; but quite far off thankfully). And I'm like so what? Am I marrying the entire freaking family??!! Of course this eventuality is covered by one of the laws of getting married.In that the only reasons I can have to say no to a guy (provided he’s rich) is if he’s a chain smoker/alcoholic/womanizer! And how would I know if he is? All the guys my parents have sifted through so far have squeaky clean profiles. Everybody is a goddam vegetarian, never smoked or tied one on and of course never even looked at a girl in coll...

The Road Less Travelled…

2011 has been a particularly good gadget year for me. I started out by getting my laptop in January, followed it up with my Samsung Galaxy S 2 this June and to top it all off, I’m finally getting my Nook reader next week! The laptop and phone acquisition process were pretty straight forward: walk into store, pay and take it home. Not so with my Nook. For starters, you can’t get it in India – offline anyway. So I had to find someone else who could buy it in the US and then getting it here. That was solved rather simply by my dad. His boss was on vacation there currently (serendipity or what!) and he bought a Nook colour for my sister and Nook Touch for me. Now came the next phase of the problem. How do I get it to Hyderabad? Sending it through courier was not an option. Again, I found a solution in the unlikeliest of places. One of my friends Kunal, had just asked me if my dad could get a package for him to Delhi from Hyderabad. While that didn’t happen for a whole lot of reaso...


It is often said that Change is inevitable. Anything that doesn’t change, dies. If you think about it, it’s self evident. A tiger cannot always outrun its prey, sometimes it has to use stealth mode. A deer cannot always rely on camouflage, sometimes it has to outrun the tiger. Every species of animal, bird, insect on earth has adapted through out millennia to occupy the specific ecological niche that they now do. Even homo sapiens changed & adapted; albeit at an ever faster pace. It took us thousands of years to come down from the trees, hundreds to evolve agriculture, decades to expand science and now  technology which is changing our society every couple of years. Yet…certain people refuse to adapt. Not surprisingly these are the same people who stand to lose the most from any sort of change. In fact they even say it’s good to not change! This slow death is called ‘tradition, culture, morals’   and what not. When I point out that change is good, they point to our ...