…I’m not kidding. Only in my case it is the painters who’d literally taken over my house for the last month or so. Finally the deed is done. The walls are a riot of colours, almost like a rainbow threw up in here; but I love it. My room makes me feel like I’m on the Starship Enterprise, looking out.
Actually the whole painting thing wasn’t so bad to start with. They pushed the furniture out of a room, painted while my mom watched TV and I, well, I played games and read Star Trek. But then came time to paint the inside of the cupboards. It was a massive undertaking the likes of which I’d never (and never will again, god forbid!) seen. It is quite amazing how much ‘stuff’ and I use the term loosely, can fit inside such a small space. Imagine if you will, rooms filled with plastic covers and bags and suitcases. There was stuff everywhere. On the bed, on the floor with just barely enough space for one person to walk.
All the time I kept wondering, where did all this stuff come from? I mean what is a family of four, three of whom do not drink coffee/tea and the other drinks tea once a week, doing with four tea sets? In different pattern & colors no less. And for a vegetarian cook, my mom sure does have a mean set of kitchen knives! Hmm… maybe I should look into that ;).
And the fun part is yet to come. Yeah, the fun part is now putting them all back together. If they had tried longer, just maybe they could’ve put Humpty Dumpty together again, but putting my house together again is going to take eternity! Even with all the King’s men and I don’t even have them.
And I’ll put one myth to rest at least; painting does not, I repeat, does not drive away the lizards or roaches. They always come back, unlike Elvis. A pity!
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