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Stubborn Little Penguin

Ubuntu 10.04 a.k.a Lucid Lynx dropped right round April but I didn't get the time to test drive it till now. So the other day, I downloaded the.iso file (which took just over an hour by the way, a remarkable feat for my little photon+), installed it and thought I was ready to go. I even said a long heartfelt goodbye to my Windows 7 (my exact words were f*** off M$ but lets not quibble). I mean Windows 7 was nice and all but Linux is something special especially when it looks as good as the Lynx.

Let’s compare shall we?
Here are the two side – by – side:

But alas this too was not to be. The last time I had to drop the penguin as it refused to work with my wi-fi connection, this time it wouldn’t detect my Tata Photon+. What is it with Linux and my internet? Without the ‘net my laptop is just a plastic box anyway. Unusable. So once again Windows wins. For now. You might have won the battle Microsoft but I’ll win the war yet!


  1. Oops...sorry to hear about the internet-linux compatibility issues...but just wanted to check -can you go back from Windows 7 or are you stuck with it..once you load it..??

  2. @shruti: yup you can always go back. what I did was not a proper install. with the help of a little app called wubi, you can install linux like you would any other application within windows. this way if anything goes wrong, you can just uninstall it from the control panel. cool huh?!

  3. same thing happened with me, my wifi drivers are proprietary , so I have to manually download them and then "ENABLE" them for my wifi to work, why cant ppl at ubuntu one simple thing, how can i download if my wifi is not working, there isnt a RJ-45 port, or should i say working port in my college i could find.....

    so the same thing happened , i switched back to windows

  4. I do find it amazingly ironic that you have to 'download' something to get your internet working!!Hello, do you realize that my INTERNET is not working? I think they just assume this is not the only computer you have :( Welcome to the third world people!


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